Congress president Sonia Gandhi has opened for the first time on the allegations made by former external affairs minister Natwar Singh and others. Speaking to NDTV, Sonia said, “I will write my own book and then everyone will know the truth. The only way the truth will come out is if I write. I am serious about this.”
Natwar Singh on Wednesday claimed that Rahul Gandhi has forced Sonia Gandhi not to accept the Prime Minister post as he feared that she would also get killed his father Rajeev and grandmother Indira Gandhi. Natwar Singh is one of the family friend of the Gandhis and has maintained good relation over the years.
In 2004 when UPA came to power, Natwar Singh was awarded with central ministry post but in 2005 he was forced to step. He quit the Congress party in 2011 and currently busy with this autobiography book.
(AW: Vamshi)