Macroni is a type of dry pasta originated from Italy. Macroni and cheese is one of the best combination recipes that satisfies hunger. It is a great comfort food and can be prepared in a simple way. Here is the simple preparation of Macroni Cheese recipe. Prepare this continental recipe at your home and enjoy its delicious taste.
Cooking time: 30 minutes
250 gm macaroni pasta
40 gm butter
40 gm plain flour or maida
600 ml milk
250 gm grated cheddar
50 gm grated parmesan cheese
Preparation method:
Cook the macaroni in a large saucepan of boiling salted water for 8-10 minutes; drain well and set aside.
Melt the butter over a medium heat in a saucepan slightly larger than that used for the macaroni. Add the flour and stir to form a roux, cooking for a few minutes.
Gradually whisk in the milk, a little at a time. Cook for 10-15 minutes to a thickened and smooth sauce.
Meanwhile, preheat the grill to hot.
Remove the sauce from the hob, add 175 gm of the cheese and stir until the cheese is well combined and melted.
Add the macaroni to the sauce and mix well. Transfer to a deep suitably-sized ovenproof dish.
Sprinkle over the remaining cheddar and the Parmesan and place the dish under the hot grill.
Cook until the cheese is browned and bubbling. Serve it hot
By Lizitha