Taking the Smartphone market to another level, Indian mobile manufacturer, Mircomax India has introduced LapTab phablet. The specialty of this LapTab is, it runs with dual operating systems, Windows 8 and Android. The device is aptly designed for multitasking across operating platforms and users would need to simply reboot the device and select the alternate option to switch from Windows to Android and vice versa.
Surprisingly the price of this phablet is one Rupee less than twenty Grand. This device comes with 10.1 inch screen, 1.46GHz Intel Celeron processor, 2GB RAM, 7,400mAh battery, 2MP front camera with light sensor and wireless keyboard. With storage of 32GB expandable up to 64GB, the tablet also supports Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi.
Everything sounds too cool and Micromax should be definitely credited for their remarkable work. Well, they say “Its Nothing Like Anything.”
(AW: Vamshi Tunga)