Facebook has launched a new feature for its mobile users in India which allows user to post their voting experience on their Timeline on the polling days at their respective constituencies.
Above 18 years of age users click the "I'm a Voter" button, the status will be published automatically on their Timeline. This button will be placed just next to the reminder message.
Public policy director, India and South Asia, Facebook, Ankhi Das said, "For the first time in India, people over 18 using Facebook on their mobile device will see a message at the top of their News Feed reminding them that voting has started in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. Users will need to vote and then update their status by clicking on the 'I'm a Voter' button supported by #LokSabha2014," in a statement.
Well this is not for the first time, Facebook has launched a social awareness feature. On the other hand Google has also introduced #PledgetoVote campaign and released a video which showed India's first independent voter.
Overall a good motivation for citizens of India to cast their vote.
(AW: Vamshi)